We love our Patients!

Here’s what they have to say about us 🙂

“This 95 year-old English literature major was told she’d never read again.
Reading is her passion and the major occupation of her day, given her other physical and mobility impairments.

Then, she saw Dr. Ron.  Look at her now!”

She just finished a large print book, “Shadows on the Rock,” by Willa Cather.   -Barbara

Dear Dr. Siwoff and Rachel Rose,

Wow…That’s all I can say. The last 3 years since L—‘s* accident have been horrible. Within the first 5 minutes with L—, you said things that no one would know except people close to him. I was so impressed.

Now the best part. L— fought me on his sight problem. I will NEVER forgot the birth of my son and his re-birth after the accident, but I will now ALWAYS remember the look and sounds that came out of him when he put his glasses on. When we were driving home he said to me, I will wear those glasses 24 hours a day so NOW I can see my dreams in FULL.

I truly believe that this miracle will also change a lot of his frustrations and give him a new attitude on life. His [child] is very important to him and even though he thought he could “SEE” and had no vision problem, it will give him a positive outlook moving forward.

Thank you for your miracle and surprising us by your time and caring. What a surprise to not get charged a high price…….. You are truly a caring doctor that enjoys the rewards of “MIRACLES”.



[L’s Mother]

Dear Dr. Siwoff,

Thank you for all your love and care extended to mom during her great struggle with vision loss. You were a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration to her. You were there when mom needed to know that she is cared for. After her visits with you, mom’s demeanor was uplifted. She held you in highest esteem. She would say to me numerous times, “Dr. Siwoff is a true professional, he cares about not only my eyes but also me as a person. You can tell he is a scholar of his subject. He takes time to explain my condition to me.”

And I too have an enormous amount of respect for you and your devotion to all who suffer. You have been there for mom and our family and I will always remember how you provided encouragement to both of us during many dark times……….

Also many thanks to Rachel-Rose and Betty for their kindness to us.

Fondly, -K.J.

“Words cannot adequately express our gratitude for your extraordinary care of my father.  We are so appreciative of your remarkable expertise in improving our father’s vision.  We are overwhelmed by your caring, sensitivity, and compassion.”

Dear Dr. Siwoff,

Since I have had such an amazing experience with our children after seeing you, …, I have felt the need to share our amazing success with others. I have been calling around to schools … spreading the word of my success story. I have slowly been getting many phone calls from desperate parents which have heard about your practice and learned that I too have been helped.

There are unfortunately too many children and teenagers suffering with similar reading issues struggling to keep up to par in school. Many parents have told me the stories of their teenagers ready to give up in … schools because they are already burnt and it is too difficult with them.

I feel that since I was granted this amazing gift for my children they have gone from hating to read to loving it- from struggling academically to being considered top of the class I would like to help others too.

“Dr. Siwoff is a leader in his field of optometry and a person with high professional integrity and honesty. We strongly recommend Dr. Siwoff to friends and family and have only the highest praise for this extraordinary professional and person. -J.J.

“I can’t thank you enough for your help and support to improve my vision.  It says, a blind person is like a dead person. Your hard work with me, your help…your prayers as well, helped my eyes to regain life.
Thank you, sincerely.”


“I can’t begin to tell the miraculous change in my dad, not just his vision but his life outlook for the future and his relationship with Mom, their children, and grand-children. I tell you I tear up every time I think of the events of the last 60 days or so… I could go on and on… thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

“The time and attention you gave us today was appreciated beyond words. The patience, respect and warmth shown to Mom will be remembered. There is nothing Mom asks for except the ability to read. I believe, for the first time, there is hope for this.

Dear Dr. Siwoff and Staff:

There are no words to express my gratitude. After ten long years of living with macular degeneration and its consequences, I am seeing the world with new eyes! It’s impossible to tell you how wonderful it is to see the beautiful faces of my grandchildren, the leaves on the trees, the flowers in my garden–the list can go on and on. Last year we made a trip to the Grand Canyon–I didn’t know what I missed until we went back this year. It had been raining on and off the day we were there. We left the Canyon very late in the afternoon and stopped to have our dinner. We decided, in spite of the rain, to go back to the Canyon and try to catch the sunset. As we pulled into the parking area, the sun broke thru the clouds and a beautiful rainbow appeared over the Canyon. It was a spectacular sight! I never would have been able to see that without my new glasses. It was a gift beyond belief!

When I put these glasses on for the first time and you tested my vision, you said it was a “miracle”. My vision had improved from 20/400 in one eye and 20/700 in the other to 20/80 and 20/50. Indeed, it was a miracle! You also said that you really had nothing to do with it–that it was not of your making, but God’s. I have to disagree somewhat. God performs miracles, but not alone. He works through people! If you never became the doctor you are, this “miracle” would never have occurred.

Ten years ago, I had to surrender my driver’s license. I am now studying the driving manual and plan to take my written test next month. Another miracle! Each time I pick up a book to read, I think to myself–another miracle! My life is filled with miracles each day and I am overwhelmed with gratitude. You have truly changed my life!

I am a sincerely grateful patient.


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Do you need help with your vision? Are you frustrated with your current treatment?

Look No Further.  We Can Help!